After extensive planning, Xiangxin Hall - formerly the military warehouse of the Combined Service Force’s arsenal – has been restored and transformed into Anping Nautical Fort. The site, which is located in the Anping Harbor Historical Zone, officially opened on December 16th.
At the opening ceremony, Mayor Huang Wei-Che specially thanked Butterfly Love Corp. Chairman Lin Zhao-wei for his commitment to the project and pointed out that Anping Nautical Fort was completed just in time for the Taiwan 400 event. This gleaming new landmark at Anping represents the history of Tainan’s interactions with the world via sailing.
The Tainan City Government Cultural Affairs Bureau pointed out that Anping Nautical Fort is right next to the Anping Waterscape Bridge, Aping Harbor, and Aping Old Street. The city government began to plan renovation and revitalization projects immediately after obtaining the area and strives to bring in private resources, link together regional tourist destinations, and collaborate closely with relevant local industries to improve the quality of Anping’s cultural tourism services.
In addition to providing consultation services and guided tours, Anping Nautical Fort can also be used as a filming site. The new site offers a range of dining options, gift shops, cultural and creative stores, and spaces for art and cultural exhibitions.