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Tainan And Lodz City In Poland Collaborates To Enhance Industries On Both Sides, Tainan Mayor Hopes International Exchanges Can Benefit Local Enterprises

Tainan’s food giant CHIMEI Corporation and a Polish food company jointly invested in a food production line in Lodz City, advancing the relationship between the two cities. The production line officially entered the mass production phase in August 2024.


During his visit to Europe, Mayor Huang Wei-che of Tainan took the opportunity to visit Mayor Hanna Zdanowska of Lodz City. Mayor Zdanowska welcomed the guests along with Deputy Mayor Adam Pustelnik, Director Mateusz Sipa of Economic Development and International Collaborations, and  Director Dorota Lombardi of Business Development and Investment. The Deputy Representative Hu Yen-fang of the Taipei Representative Office in Poland was also present.


Mayor Huang Wei-che stressed that Poland plays a key role in Central and Eastern Europe’s supply chain and markets, and there is much potential for partnerships between Tainan and Lodz. Since the EU’s food inspection standards are quite strict, the Tainan City Government will continue to support and assist quality local businesses in introducing more Tainan flavors and produce to European markets.


The Mayor went on to comment that Tainan and Lodz are both ancient yet innovative cities. The Tainan City Government will continue to actively facilitate interactions between the different industries in the two cities, including traditional industries such as food processing, textiles, and automotive components as well as high-tech industries such as semiconductors. Huang also invited delegations, businesses, or students of Lodz City to Tainan for industry surveying and academic exchanges.


Lodz City Mayor Hanna Zdanowska remarked that she had visited Taiwan twice and like Mayor Huang, she had also served as a member of the Congress, thus she is delighted to meet Mayor Huang and looks forward to more interactions between Tainan and Lodz in the areas of culture and education.


Mayor Zdanowska pointed out that Lodz has 600 years of history and has gone through many industry transitions. The city is famous for its textile industry and is also developing its pharmaceutical, biotech, and food manufacturing industries; therefore, possible areas of collaboration between Lodz and Tainan may include agriculture and industry sectors. Zdanowska also expressed the possibility of sending a delegation to Taiwan and Tainan and looks forward to the fruitful results generated by both cities.


As the third-largest city in Poland, Lodz has over 600 years of history and a strong cultural background. The city is a major European logistics hub as it is located in the heart of Poland, less than a two-hour drive from the capital city, Warsaw. Lodz is a beautiful, livable city that attracts many business investors due to its ideal location and well-established public security.