In order to enhance the international competitiveness of Tainan’s agricultural goods, Tainan City Government planned out a low-temp heat steam double quarantine processing park in Yujing District and the project has received support from the Central government. The city hosted the groundbreaking ceremony for the park’s Produce Processing and Cold Chain Logistics Center on Feb. 6 and the Center is expected to be completed and start operations by mid-2024.
Tainan City Mayor Huang Wei-che expressed his thanks to the Central Government and pointed out that it used to be difficult to control the quality of Taiwan’s exported fruit products in the past since Tainan lacked suitable heat-steaming and cold chain infrastructure. The new Yujing Cold Chain Logistics Center is a significant infrastructure in the mountain areas of Tainan as it marks a new chapter in Tainan’s produce processing and logistics development.
Premier Chen Chien-jen expressed that the new Cold Chain Center will enhance the export competitiveness of Taiwan’s agricultural products and goods. Chen especially mentioned the high-quality mangoes and pineapples exported to Japan in recent years have been very popular among Japanese consumers. Hopefully, after the Yujing Cold Chain Center is completed, it can leverage new steaming and low-temp quarantine technologies to reduce damage rates.
The new construction project of the Produce Processing and Cold Chain Logistics Center includes the graded pre-cooling zone, processing zone, refrigeration and freezer zone, and offices. The original Yujing Heat Steaming Processing Plant next to the Park has already completed their new equipment replacement and will officially begin operations this mango season. It will be able to process a maximum of 800 tons of mangoes per year and the total processing time will be reduced from 4.5 hours to 3 hours which greatly increases quarantine processing capacity and efficiency while reducing damage during the steaming process. Heat damage issues will also be resolved and the processing yield rate could reach nearly 100%.