- Improving testing capacity
If you meet any one of the stated criteria, please immediately call the Public Health Bureau hotline (06-2880180); or you can contact the testing station via phone call for reservation and information collection one day before getting tested.
To ensure sufficient medical capacity of Tainan City, the city government has planned to launch more than 31 outdoor testing stations, including 14 district health centers, 14 medical facilities and 2 testing houses (in preparation) and 1 testing vehicle (in preparation). Please refer to the appendix for contact information of testing stations.
Tainan City is rapidly rolling out testing stations citywide. Testing station information are provided and updated on the Bureau of Public Health’s website: https://health.tainan.gov.tw/list.asp?nsub=A7C2B1.
- Tainan City launches city-wide testing for the following two types of high-risk groups:
- Citizens who have traveled to Taipei City and New Taipei City after May 1 and showed suspected symptoms, including fever, general fatigue, respiratory symptoms (mainly presented as cough without sputum) or dyspnea, gastrointestinal symptoms (mainly presented as diarrhea) or loss of sense of smell or taste.
- Citizens who have contacted with a confirmed case in the indicated time, date and place for at least 15 minutes, and did not practice social-distancing and mask-wearing during your stay.