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Tainan City’s Educational Measures in Response to Prolonged Nationwide COVID-19 Level 3 Alert till June 14 (2021/5/25)

The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that all cross Taiwan, the COVID-19 Level 3 Alert will extend to June 14. Tainan City government has announced the following measures as a response:

  1. Schools at all levels and public and private kindergartens nationwide will continue to suspend face-to-face classes until June 14. “Suspend Class but not Suspend Learning”- The government will also continue to dynamically adjust and improve the three different self-learning modes and public live streaming courses.
  2. Suspend all graduation ceremonies for elementary schools and junior high schools.
  3. For students’ scores for this semester, schools can use these two methods: (1) regular exam assessment: calculate test scores accumulated by May 18; (2) ordinarily performance assessment: assess students based on various criteria.
  4. For the graduation exam scores of sixth grade, ninth grade, and twelfth grade students, each school’s curriculum development committee should invite parent representatives to discuss and decide.

* Tainan City’s Bureau of Education Self-directed Learning Website: http://www2.tn.edu.tw/hlearning/
