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Descriptions of Three New Local Infections of COVID-19 Cases in Tainan: Case #4462, #4463, #4926 (2021/5/24)

Tainan City Government announced 3 confirmed cases (#4462, #4463 and #4926) on May 24. Case #4462 and Case #4463 are a mother and a daughter who had travel history to Wanhua to visit their relatives and friends. After having learnt that people they contacted had been confirmed to get infected, they went to hospital for COVID-19 specimen collection and testing and were confirmed as local cases on the night of May 22.

The following is their (Case #4462, #4463) travel history:

  1. 5/8  19:41-21:39  THSR No.854 Car No.2 from Tainan to Taipei.
  2. 5/15  18:46-20:32  THSR No.675 Car No.5 from Taipei to Tainan.
  3. 5/16-5/18        Felt slightly illness and stayed at home.
  4. 5/19  15:00-15:10  Visited a clinic.
  5. 5/19  15:30-15:50  Costco. (No. 8, Sec. 4, Hewei Rd., North Dist.)
  6. 5/19  15:55-16:15  Hewei market. (No. 426, Sec. 4, Hewei Rd., North Dist.)
  7. 5/19  16:25-16:35  PX Mart Minquan Branch. (No. 350, Sec. 4, Minquan Rd., West Central Dist.)
  8. 5/20-5/21  Stayed at home.
  9. 5/22  Went to hospital for COVID-19 specimen collection and testing and were confirmed as local cases.

Another confirmed case (#4926) is a male who had contacted with a confirmed case in New Taipei City. He then has kept himself in home isolation since May 19. During that he found his symptoms on May 23 and called Tainan’s disease prevention and control hotline, then was confirmed as a local case by the arranged specimen collection and testing.

The following is his (Case #4926) travel history:


  1. 5/14  11:48-13:24  THSR No.1634 Car No.6 from Tainan to Banqiao.
  2. 5/15  09:21-11:06  THSR No.619 Car No.6 from Banqiao to Tainan.
  3. 5/16-5/17  Stayed at home.
  4. 5/18  15:00-16:30  Visited a clinic.
  5. 5/18  16:30-16:40  Mai-lo Bakery. (No. 701, Huaping Rd., Anping Dist.)
  6. 5/18  16:40-16:50  Anping Cafeteria. (No. 619, Huaping Rd., Anping Dist.)
  7. 5/19  12:00-15:00  Went to work.
  8. 5/20-5/22  Stayed at home for self isolation.
  9. 5/23  Reported symptoms and then conducted specimen collection and testing arranged by the Public Health Bureau, then confirmed as new case.

