Two new coronavirus mutations, which may have developed from a strain already present in the United States, have been discovered recently in Columbus City, Ohio. Upon hearing the news, Tainan City Mayor Huang Wei-che immediately wrote to the mayor of Columbus to express that Tainan citizens’ hearts go out to the residents in their sister city.
Tainan and Columbus have enjoyed over four decades of friendship since the two became sister cities in 1980. In his letter, Mayor Huang thanked Columbus City’s medical and research personnel for their diligent monitoring and vigilance so that the new strains could be quickly identified and related responding actions launched as soon as possible. He also passed on Tainan’s warmest wishes and good thoughts, and pointed out that Tainan is more than happy to collaborate with international partners to fight the pandemic together.
Huang also mentioned that thanks to the central government’s epidemic prevention efforts, Tainan’s citizens are able to live normal lives, and Taiwan is internationally known for its success in containing the spread of the disease. However, we are aware that many areas around the world are still combating the pandemic. Last year (2020) Tainan City donated epidemic prevention supplies, including face masks and safety goggles, to Columbus City; and now Tainan is sending this letter to express our hopes that the citizens of Columbus City can stay safe and healthy.
COVID-19 is still ravaging the world, and up to now the US has more than 23 million confirmed cases. Among Columbus City’s population of over 890,000 people, more than 60,000 are diagnosed with COVID-19, and the number continues to rise. The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center recently discovered two new virus strains in the city, one of which may have already started to spread locally.