Tainan Christmas & New Year’s Eve Festivities-Rock & Roll/Hip Hop Night will be held at Yonghua Civic Center west plaza on January 9, 2021. According to the Department of Information and International Relations of Tainan City Government which organizes this event, the number of attendees will be limited to 20, 000, in light of capacity crowd of the venue and the enhancement of disease prevention measures. Meanwhile, 20,000 stickers will be delivered to attendees for entry identification. In order to facilitate disease prevention works and to protect safety of Tainan citizens, the venue will be cleared at 3pm, and then it will reopen for admission in proceeding with the real-name registration and body temperature measurement.
Mayor Huang Wei-che stated that he hopes citizens to enjoy the event in full compliance with high disease prevention standards. He not only asked citizens’ understanding and cooperation, but also reminded that scanning National ID Card is the most rapid way for admission. As many popular hits will be performed on this event, Mayor Huang strongly appealed to those who are undergoing home quarantine, home isolation and self-care management not to breach the regulations for the sake of pursuing stars. Tainan City Government will work closely with the central government and those who fail to abide by the rules could face heavy penalties in accordance with the "Communicable Disease Control Act".
The Department of Information and International Relations further addressed that the venue has been fenced with temporary barriers and participants should enter/ leave the venue through one of the following four designated checkpoints, including (1) West plaza along Fucian Road , (2) Intersection of Jianping Road and Yiping Road , (3) Intersection of Jianping Road and Nandao Road, and (4) Intersection of Nando Road and Nanrong Boulevard. The department also illustrated three options to complete the real-name registration, including (1) bringing smart phones for scanning QR CODE or registering via event’s official website in advance and demonstrating the finalized screenshot to staff members. (2) bringing the National ID card and scanning it during entering the venue. (3) writing down the contact information onsite and giving it to staff members.
Last, the Department of Information and International Relations asked attendees’ unremitting adherence to disease prevention rules and measures, such as real-name registration, body temperature measurement and hand sanitation. People who have a temperature over 37 degrees Celsius will not be allowed to enter the venue. Besides, everyone entering the venue shall not consume food and beverages except for the purpose of staying hydrated and shall wear a face mask all the time throughout the event. Those who refuse to do so after being advised will be asked to leave the venue and face certain penalties. It is noted that people under home quarantine or home isolation, or subjected to self-health management, or are experiencing suspected symptoms such as a fever, respiratory symptoms, diarrhea, and an abnormal sense of smell and taste shall not attend the event. They can instead stay at home and watch TV stations or websites that broadcast the event, including Channel 38 MUCH TV, MOD NEXT TV Channel, TVBS NEWS youtube Channel, NEXT TV youtube channel and NEXT TV Facebook Fanpage .