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Process for Installing Cable Television

  Process for Installing Cable Television

A. The process for applying for installing a cable television system is as follows: customer applies for installation-->provider inspects customer’s home-->layout is designed-->application for digging and installing lines is processed (which requires cooperating with other companies involved in underground power cables, telecommunication lines, gas lines, and water lines)-->application for electricity meter-->deliver materials and undergo construction-->send signal through lines and conclude project.
B. Uncontrollable factors that might interrupt installation process: 1) The heavy machinery of a construction company and/or scaffolding has not been removed, which often causes disputes. Or, the space left for installing lines during construction cannot be used. 2) Organizations or persons with property rights nearby have not agreed to construction being carried out. 3) The road was recently paved and regulations prevent digging it up. 4) Customs that prevent digging and/or construction work, such as when a person nearby is pregnant or recently delivered a child. 
C. Tainan City Government’s Department of Information and International Relations will oversee individual projects and work with different organizations to make sure the installation process can be finished as quick as possible.